What is the Mid Gig?
The Adult Mid-Semester Gig, AKA The Mid Gig takes place halfway through the fall-winter and winter-spring semesters at Lakehouse Music Academy. This show allows our adult Night Sessions bands to showcase their set ahead of the Big Gig. Each band performs a set at a legendary Asbury Park venue for friends, family, and our amazing musical community.
The APRIL 2025 Mid gig:
Wednesday 4/23
& Thursday 4/24
@ Asbury Park Brewery
614 Cookman Ave, Asbury Park
THE OFFICIAL April 2025 mid gig SCHEDULE
Mark your calendar with your performance date and time!
Wednesday 4/23
at the Asbury Park Brewery
6:00 PM Stryker Fox and the Tackle Snatch Bryan Haring, Wed.
6:17 PM The Resurgents Mike Bustamante, Wed.
6:34 PM Ship of Fools Mike Bustamante, Wed.
6:56 PM Off the Page Rich Lupescu, Tues.
7:13 PM Something from Nothing Rich Lupescu, Wed.
7:30 PM Supermoon Rob Tanico, Wed.
7:47 PM The Dropouts Tim Enny, Wed.
8:09 PM A Shore Thing Kristen Wilczewski, Wed.
8:26 PM East Of Main Rich Lupescu, Mon.
8:43 PM The Shingles Rob Tanico, Mon.
9:00 PM Tornado Watch Paul Dutton, Mon.
9:17 PM The Wednesdays Paul Dutton, Wed.
thursday 4/24
at the Asbury Park Brewery
6:00 PM Hidden Agenda Winston Roye, Wed.
6:17 PM Former Strangers Allyson MacIvor, Tues.
6:34 PM Lost At C Richie Nobrega, Tues.
6:51 PM Spare Capo Ryan Gordon, Tues.
7:13 PM The Eclectics Rich Lupescu, Thurs.
7:30 PM AP Beginner Night Session Jack Santoro, Thurs.
7:47 PM Sacre Blues Band Mike Bustamante, Thurs.
8:04 PM White Lights Tim Enny, Thurs.
8:26 PM Lady Apocalypse John Caricato, Thurs.
8:43 PM Red Vinyl John Caricato, Sat.
9:00 PM Doors of Babylon Bryan Haring, Thurs.
9:17 PM Zone 331 Kristen Wilczewski, Sun.
Performer checklist
Warm up off-stage (in the green room) on a quiet drum pad, have drumsticks/stick bag in hand (2 pairs of sticks recommended in case you drop one), earplugs, percussion, and anything else you need ready to go. Look at the drummer’s set up before you and make a mental note of what setup changes need to be made (seat height, cymbal heights/angles, snare height, toms). Make your own checklist.
Warm up off-stage, tune your bass off-stage in advance no more than 5 minutes before, have your guitar, strap, pedalboard, picks, earplugs, and anything else you need ready to go. Make your own checklist.
Warm up off-stage, tune your guitar off-stage in advance no more than 5 minutes before, have your guitar, strap, pedalboard, capos, picks, earplugs, and anything else you need ready to go. Make your own checklist.
Lakehouse keyboard is provided, ear plugs, etc. If you wish to bring your own, let your teacher know. If so, remember to bring your keyboard, power adapter, and any cables required for your keyboard. Make your own checklist.
Warm up your voice off-stage, have a bottle of water for the stage, earplugs, etc.
Need more tips?