Why You Should Join a Band Right Away


Joining a band on your first day of learning an instrument? It sounds impossible, but at Lakehouse Music Academy, we know that anyone who wants to learn an instrument can be part of a band from day one. Don't believe us? Keep reading.

You may have a few thoughts running through your head that are keeping you from giving it a try…


I can’t join a band, I don’t even play an instrument yet!

We get it, it sounds intimidating. You don’t know anything about your instrument yet, let alone how to play a song on it. How could you possibly follow along without embarrassing yourself? Here at Lakehouse, we believe that the longest journey starts with that one first note, not the first step. Do you know that some of the greatest rock songs like “Dreams” or “Start Me Up” only have two notes? Just two! That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? 

From day one, we match you with a band where everyone is at the same level. So if you've never played before, the others in your group will be beginners too. This way you don't feel like you're holding anyone back. If you’re a pro or somewhere in between, we curate the groups so that you'll be with someone on the same level.

I’m too nervous, I’ll start with just private lessons and join a band when I’m ready.

Do kids learn how to play baseball by playing by themselves in the backyard?

Is soccer the same game if you kick around the ball by yourself?

What good is an amazing quarterback if there’s no one there to catch the ball?

When you join a band at Lakehouse Music Academy, you'll also get one-on-one private lessons weekly. This combination of private lessons and group rehearsal is the perfect recipe for growth and progress. Plus, there's always a teacher in your band rehearsal who creates a comfortable and healthy learning environment. This package is designed to keep you feeling engaged, motivated, and excited– and that’s what helps even a complete beginner become a player quickly.

Bands are for rock stars, not beginners!

We’ve honed our method of playing in a band to facilitate that wow moment on the first day. That moment when you first hear everyone in the band playing their part all together after the drummer counts “one, two, three, four.” That moment when you feel like you are flying standing still. Do you remember the first time you rode a bike without training wheels? Yes, that feeling, on the first day!

Playing in a band is an amazing experience, there's nothing like it. Being with a group of people who are working together towards a shared goal creates a really cool bond. You’ll get to pick the songs that you want to learn and rehearse together each week for an upcoming performance, whether it’s a local show, the adult Mid-Semester Gig, or the Big Gig

Here are a few of our success stories from this method. Hopefully, by now, you are imagining yourself in a band. It's equally as exciting as it is intimidating. That feeling never quite goes away but that's why it's fun! Once you get a few Big Gigs under your belt, you’ll be a seasoned member of our Lakehouse bands, and you’ll feel it too. Let's hear a bit from a few people who have gone through the beginner experience and are still going strong to this day…

Band Spotlight: Butterfly Garden

Student Spotlight: The Lawsons

Student Spotlight: Tom Bisset


Why Everyone Should Seek Music Education


Buying Your First Instrument: What to Know